
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weimar Republic

Article 48
If a state (8) does not fulfil the obligations laid upon it by the Reich constitution or the Reich laws, the Reich President may use armed force to cause it to oblige.In case public safety is seriously threatened or disturbed, the Reich President may take the measures necessary to reestablish law and order, if necessary using armed force. In the pursuit of this aim he may suspend the civil rights described in articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 154, partially or entirely.The Reich President has to inform Reichstag immediately about all measures undertaken which are based on paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article. The measures have to be suspended immediately if Reichstag demands so.If danger is imminent, the state government may, for their specific territory, implement steps as described in paragraph 2. These steps have to be suspended if so demanded by the Reich President or the Reichstag. Further details are provided by Reich law.

Article 48 gives the president the power to suspend civil liberties in times of crisis. we see this means that in a country's time of crisis the president has absolute control over civil liberties. I do not believe civil liberties should be suspended. These freedoms are what people in general are or should be in this case simply entitled too. I believe this is so much power for president to have. This is a perfect example as to why the idea of "checks and balance" is very important.

Article 161: “In order to maintain health and the ability to work, in order to protect motherhood and to prevent economic consequences of age, weakness and to protect against the vicissitudes of life the Reich establishes a comprehensive system of insurances, based on the critical contribution of the insured.”

Here in article 161, we see that the Constitution is saying that the need for health insurance is not just a privilege but a right. They believe (which I totally agree with) in order to maintain a society, to protect motherhood, working community every citizen needs access to health care for the country to run as a whole. I definitely believe that this right is important because maintaining good health is necessary. In the United States billions of dollars are spent every year due to the effects of lack of healthcare. If health-insurance was a government right, less people would be sick, less people would be on disability income andin response more people will be working and healthy.

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